Saturday, June 27, 2009

Well, It has been a long time since I have updated this blog and well, I am sooooo sorry. Ok I should make a disclaimer and say that this is the first time I have done this. Sheena is usually the one to do this for me and she does a great job keeping the family and friends updated while I slack off due to such a busy and highly nerve racking life.

For now things are about the same but I wanted to add a few new pics and let you all know that We really are alive and doing Ok. Derek's health is still decreasing but he is being such a trooper. He does such a great job with Jensen and still loves staying at home with him. He has been able to help me with the dishes and some cooking again since he had the fluid taken off but his energy is still pretty low.

Jensen is growing so fast. He loves to play outside and absolutely loves to be in the water. The summers are very hot here in Kansas so We do a lot of inside air conditioned activities like riding his four wheeler through the house. He is still working on steering and not running into everything but he loves it.

I am still working for the bank and enjoying it. We have had some rough patches with a fellow employee but I am learning so much about forgiveness, patience, and understanding individual personalities. I am also talking to a co worker about the gospel and she is seems ready. She just doesn't know it. I don't know if she will accept it but I just absolutely love having her with me at work. I also have learned more about the gospel and about myself through teaching and talking to her.

Well, We love everyone and want everyone to know that we think about you all all the time. It will probably be a long time before I get to do this again so be patient with me.


Sara and Spencer said...

So good to get an update on you guys, from you! We
miss you all bunches and hope to see you soon. Very glad you all are doing well, give Jensen big kisses for auntie Sara! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Good job Mary. You actually posted pics without help. I am proud! I forgot to show you how to change the background tonight. Maybe tomorrow night?

Annie said...

It was awesome to hear an update from you guys. My little nephew looks so big, and it's only been a few months since I saw him! We miss you too, and think about you all the time as well. Hopefully we will see you soon. Love you all.

Kaylene Neslen said...

Love you, miss you and are prayinf for you.
We love your precious family.