Sunday, September 14, 2008


There has been lots of new developments with the Strelka Family.

Jensen, at 9 1/2 months, is learning to crawl. He is getting around ARMY style. He can get up on his knees, but chooses to use his elbows and toes to army crawl around. He just had his 9 month check up and was almost 20lbs. and was 29 inches long. He is at the 50th percentile for weight and 70th percentile for height. He likes to click his tongue and talk to himself.

Mary is still working for Emprise Bank. I got a transfer from the Derby branch to the South Wichita Branch. I am getting a small raise for the transfer. I was helping the South branch out and they liked me so much that they offered me a raise to transfer out there. I am successfully losing the weight that I want to by exercising everyday and eating horribly on the weekends.

Derek is still a stay-at-home daddy and still on the transplant list for new lungs. He is looking forward to the winter and lower humidity because the summer months are hard on his breathing.

Other updates: With the help of Mom and Dad Jensen, we were able to purchase our first home thru an action. It is a three bedroom, two bathroom, 2 car garage, living room, family room, solarium, nice big back yard and wonderful neighbors. We close on Friday the 19th. We will be painting after we close and then hopefully moving in by the 28th. Check out the slideshow of our house pictures above.